Friday, April 11, 2014

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Communication, Appreciation, and Honesty

Communication, Appreciation, and Honesty
I'm happily married. Very happily.
I never needed anything other than my husband and our amazing, sexy, communicative, beautiful, and nlightening relationship.
We talk about everything, every. thing. 
We have no secrets from one another.  We can discuss absolutely any topic, and it's not off limits.  I love having that with someone.  There's no fear, there's no ridicule, we can each just be ourselves.  We are still independant individuals, and yet we are together.  We appreciate each other.  We show our appreciation to one another. 

Its okay if he wants to go out with the guys one night without me.  Its okay if I want to go see friends without him.  We are not attached at the hip, but we always come home to each other. 

We don't fight.  We more or less debate, if we disagree.  But it's not a screaming match, it's not a temper-flaring mess.  And it's okay to disagree.  It's allowed. 

And if one of us screws up somehow?  We apologize and work through it.  Nobody is perfect.

We have a very intimate, yet rich and fulfilling relationship.  We are affectionate, even sometimes in public.  And that's okay.  People can see the attention he lavishes on me, and vice versa.  Are we trying to show off? No.  However, when you are in love, you can't help but to show it.  It just glows in your face, and in your smile, and the way you touch, and you cannot hide it.

And others see it. They want what we have. They crave that same level of kismet and affection from their significant others. They want it, I believe, perhaps sometimes, because they do not have it.
Sometimes I think it's because they do not communicate well with their significant other. Sometimes I think it's because their significant other, just doesn't appreciate them as much as he or she should.
Sometimes I think it's because they are hiding their true self, and not being honest about who they really are, or what they really need, and what they truly desire. 
You have to have honesty.
Maybe it's just me, but after having been in this relationship with my husband, I would not want to be in any relationship where I could not fully express my true self.  And where my true self wasn't appreciated and loved, despite my flaws.
I know not everyone has the luxury of such a magnificent partner or significant other, but I believe it can still happen for them someday.  I truly believe that.

Friday, April 4, 2014

Music to Fuck by

(A work in progress - check back for updates)

Lounge/Chill tracks

Frisky Friday Fun

Jean's new bra has Allen all a twitter

Thank goodness for Victoria's Secret...

Tuesday, April 1, 2014


Laying here
Listening to your breaths of sleep
Looking at your peaceful pose 
And your naked body close to mine

I'm adrift on the emotions
Your love blankets me
The maestro of lovemaking is mine.
Who reverently, slowly, masterfully, lovingly, plays my body like a concert pianist.
You bring me to the furthest edge of climax and send me toppling over a waterfall.  
Each bliss more powerful than the last.
Relentless, yet gentle, 
Powerful, but sure 
Persistent, yet tender
I give myself over to the pleasure and lose all thought or reason
You amaze me still each time.  
Incredulous, such passion again is ours. 
Like a tulip opening to the sun
I part for you 
I wake as if from a dream, pleasantly sore and tired.  
I am the Phoenix reborn, again,  
And you are my fire.

Friday, February 7, 2014

The VIP Room

The VIP Room:

Dressed to the nines and we hit the club. We sipped on hand-crafted cocktails while dancing into the night. The temperature was rising. Then Jean took my hand, and I took hers. We snuck off to the VIP room to kick things up a notch. Join us as we ignite our passion, and hope our dangerous liaison doesn't get caught.

Link to our video: